2 reviews by Will Teasle..
Rambo III

From: Will Teasle
Comments: I am first to admit I agree with Murdock. You see John and Trautman, I was in the Korean War. A very brutal war, much more brutal than your little Vietnam war was. Hell, I was lucky to come out of the Korean with all my toes. At night I froze my ass off and during the day starved all the while fighting off those hoards of china men. That is why I hated you so much John Rambo. Drifting through my small town like an asshole, I simply didn't want you around. You see John, my war was better than your war. You see what gets me the most, is that y'all lost the Nam war, 10-15 years later you make movies about going back to Nam and with one m-16 rifle you semmingly take on the whole Viet Cong army and win. Makes you wonder how the hell y'all lost that war to began with?


Rambo III

From: Will Teasle
Comments: Rambo maybe if you cut your hair and take a bath, the Colonel will treat you nicer. If you ask me though, I think Colonel Sanders has more balls than that Trautman fella you so love. Anyways Rambo, come on back to Hope. I sure would like to see your naked ass in one of my jail cells again. I really like your ass cheeks.
